India’s top homegrown news reader app has hit 10 billion page-views, the startup revealed today. NewsHunt was launched in June 2009 and hit the five billion milestone last October. Available on iOS, Android, Nokia, legacy BlackBerry, and generic JAVA phones, NewsHunt is also very inclusive in terms of languages and content, supporting 99 newspapers in 11 languages.
All of that means NewsHunt has nearly outflipped Flipboard in terms of the number of stories read within the app. Well, Flipboard is currently seeing three billion new flips per month, which is a massive number the Indian startup app cannot yet surpass. But it’s admirably close, adding just under one billion each month.
NewsHunt, explains the NextBigWhat blog today, supports the country’s top papers, such as The Hindu ແລະ India Express, and that has helped to attract about 6.5 million monthly active users. It also supports a lot of regional newspapers in their respective languages, and that’s proving a particularly big draw for users around the country.
The Indian startup explains that each user spends about 121 minutes per month on NewsHunt, and claims that’s greater than the monthly average time spent inside Flipboard (86 minutes).
(Source: NextBigWhat)