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Report shows that 40% of Singapore’s shoppers will still brave crowds


Singaporeans-in-crowded-orchard-districtA recent survey conducted by Groupon revealed that 39.6% of Singapore’s shoppers braved the crowds, even with numerous online alternatives.

According to the Groupon, this statistic actually revealed a change in consumer shopping habits during this GSS period. However, this does not come as surprising since the ecommerce and m-commerce trend has been rapidly on the rise all over the world.

Yet interestingly, when asked about where Singaporeans like to shop, only a mere 13% of shoppers said that they like to shop online. Most people at 61.2% said that they like to shop in town instead. This probably shows a gap between the shopping experiences of online and offline since the items sold are probably the same.

Nonetheless, consumers are still embracing new technologies and innovations. ສໍາ​ລັບ​ຕົວ​ຢ່າງ, over two-thirds of respondents agreed that the Groupon ‘Deals Near Me’, which helps subscribers track nearby deals based on their current locations, has made enhanced their GSS shopping experience. Some of the most effective deals that actually got Singaporeans to buy were those that ranged from 25% to 49% off.

The fact that only 14.6% mentioned that a discount of more than 70% off would get them to make a purchase, could mean a higher purchasing power of consumers. Yet, it could also mean that consumers are becoming increasingly smarter about their purchases because as many people would know, the higher the discount does not guarantee a better deal.

The survey, represented as an infographic below, also reveals other statistics collected such as who Singapore shops for, how long they shop for, who they shop with, and which are their favourite shopping centres.

GSinfographicCartoonStyleAfinal0628 01

ນີ Report shows that 40% of Singapore’s shoppers will still brave crowds ທີ່ທໍາອິດໃນ e27.

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